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Interior Painting & Decorating

All interior painting and decorating work undertaken - from a simple repaint or adding a fresh new colour, to a complete decoration, including new build rooms or extensions, where bare surfaces are present, requiring making good and finishing. Wallpaper stripping and hanging, feature walls, and much more...

Exterior Painting

All exterior windows, doors, sills, fascias, soffits, panelling, framework, masonry and metalwork fully prepared and painted using only the best quality, long life exterior paints to achieve a beautiful, durable finish.

Garden Painting

Garden cabins, summerhouses, treehouses, sheds, love seats and swings, adventure playgrounds and climbing frames, fences, etc given a new lease of life with careful preparation. Finished in highly durable preservative paints in a large range of modern colours. 
Decking cleaned, restored and re-finished.

Timber Repair and Restoration


Rotten and decayed timber excavated and treated before being repaired and restored with specialist resin fillers that are highly durable and strong. Often a quality repair can add years to the life of a door or window saving the need for a costly replacement. 

Wooden Worktop Renovation


Solid wood kitchen worktops need regular care and protection and often fade or become stained or sticky. Stripping the existing finish back to bare material and applying modern, high quality oils can restore their beautiful appearance and give them a new lease of life.  

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